

data : Array

Use data to specify the data that you want to display on the table.
This prop is required and you should give it an array

// with es6
const data = [ ... ];
<BootstrapTable data={ data }>

keyField : String

Use keyField to tell table which column is unique. This is same as isKey in <TableHeaderColumn>
Tips: react-bootstrap-table support data manipulation(CRUD) so that we need to fetch correct row by a unique column.

<BootstrapTable data={ data } keyField='account'>
  <TableHeaderColumn dataField='account'>Account</TableHeaderColumn>
  <TableHeaderColumn dataField='name'>Name</TableHeaderColumn>

As mentioned, following is equivalent

<BootstrapTable data={ data }>
  <TableHeaderColumn isKey dataField='account'>Account</TableHeaderColumn>
  <TableHeaderColumn dataField='name'>Name</TableHeaderColumn>

remote : String | Function

react-bootstrap-table default handle the data changing(like sorting, filtering insert or pagination etc) in a data store, call TableDataStore.
So this prop is false by default, if you enable remote, which means you need to handle the all data manipulation on your application(flux implement or something like that).
Therefore, react-bootstrap-table support following event hooks so that you can interact to your server or local store with the data changing
  • onSortChange
  • onSearchChange
  • onPageChange
  • onSizePerPageList
  • onAddRow
  • onDeleteRow
  • onExportToCSV
  • onFilterChange
  • onCellEdit

If a function given, which means you can choose which functionality should be handled with remote or not.Currently, we have following functionality you can control:
  • sort
  • pagination
  • cellEdit
  • insertRow
  • dropRow
  • filter
  • search
  • exportCSV
You can use above name as key to specifiy what functionality should be handle by remote mode:
remote(remoteObj) {
    // Only cell editing, insert and delete row will be handled by remote store
    remoteObj.cellEdit = true;
    remoteObj.insertRow = true;
    remoteObj.dropRow = true;
    return remoteObj;
// ...
<BootstrapTable data={ data }>
  <TableHeaderColumn isKey dataField='account'>Account</TableHeaderColumn>
  <TableHeaderColumn dataField='name'>Name</TableHeaderColumn>

To use remote pagination properly you need to pass fetchInfo property.
You can check this example a whole example, and also these all are the useful examples to learn how to programming with remote mode.

height : String

Use height to adjust the height of table. You need give a string with an unit(px) value like following:
Tips: react-bootstrap-table display all the data without fixed header, because height is auto by default. If you give a height, the header will fixed when data is too long.

<BootstrapTable data={ data } height='120px'>

maxHeight : String

Use maxHeight to set the maximum height of table. You need give a string with an unit(px) value like height:

<BootstrapTable data={ data } maxHeight='120px'>

striped : Bool

Same as the Bootstrap table class: .table-striped, default is false.
You can enable this feature by the following example:

<BootstrapTable data={ data } striped>

hover : Bool

Same as the Bootstrap table class: .table-hover, default is false.
You can enable this feature by the following example:

<BootstrapTable data={ data } hover>

condensed : Bool

Same as the Bootstrap table class: .table-condensed, default is false.
You can enable this feature by the following example:

<BootstrapTable data={ data } condensed>

bordered : Bool

Similar like Bootstrap table class: .table-bordered, default is true.
You can disable this feature by the following example:

<BootstrapTable data={ data } bordered={ false }>

trClassName : String | Function

Assign the class name of row(tr). This attribute accept a string or callback function. However, a callback function have more ability to customize.
If a string given, means this string value will be presented as the row class.
If a function given, will pass row and rowIndex as arguments and should return a string for the presenting class. for examples:
trClassFormat(row, rowIndex) {
  // row is the current row data
  return rowIndex % 2 === 0 ? "tr-odd" : "tr-even";  // return class name.

render() {
  return (
    <BootstrapTable data={ data } trClassName={ this.trClassFormat }>

insertRow : Bool

Enable the row insertion by setting insertRow to true, default is false. react-bootstrap-table support a row insert feature by a pop modal.
If you enable row insertion, there's a button on the upper left side of table.

<BootstrapTable data={ data } insertRow >

Following is the pop modal for row insertion:
row insert pop modal

deleteRow : Bool

Enable the row insertion by setting deleteRow to true, default is false. react-bootstrap-table support a row deletion feature but you need to enable the row selection by selectRow .Because react-bootstrap-table will drop rows the according to the selected row by user select.
If you enable row dropping, there's a delete row button button on the upper left side of table.

render() {
  const selectRow = {
    mode: 'radio' //radio or checkbox
  return (
      data={ data }
      selectRow={ selectRow }

columnFilter : Bool

Enable column filter by setting columnFilter to true, default is false. It's a very simple filter functionality supported by react-bootstrap-table If enabled, there're input text fields per column under the table, user can input your filter condition by each column. However, react-bootstrap-table have a better column filter which have multiple filter type. You can check this

<BootstrapTable data={ data } columnFilter >

searchPlaceholder : String

Use searchPlaceholder to change the placeholder in search field, default is Search

  data={ data }
  searchPlaceholder='input something...' >

multiColumnSearch : Bool

Enable multi search by multiColumnSearch, default is false. If you want to use multi search, you must enable search at first.
Tips: Use space to delimited search text. EX: 3 4, which means match all 3 or 4 datas in table.

  data={ data }

exportCSV : Bool

Enable export csv functionality by setting exportCSV as true, default is false. If you enable, there's a export csv button button on the upper left side of table.

  data={ data }

csvFileName : String | Function

Set the CSV filename (e.g. items.csv). Default is spreadsheet.csv. If a function given, you should return a file name as a string type.

  data={ data }

ignoreSinglePage : Bool

Give true will ignore the pagination if only one page, default is false.

  data={ data }

scrollTop : String | Number

Specify a fix position for the vertical bar if it exist. Available is a number or Top and Bottom

  data={ data }
  scrollTop={ 'Bottom' }>

containerStyle : Object

Add your own styles object to the react-bs-table-container class

  data={ data }
  containerStyle={ { background: '#00ff00' } }>

tableStyle : Object

Add your own styles object to the react-bs-table class

  data={ data }
  tableStyle={ { background: '#00ff00' } }>

headerStyle : Object

Add your own styles object to the react-bs-container-header class

  data={ data }
  headerStyle={ { background: '#00ff00' } }>

bodyStyle : Object

Add your own styles object to the react-bs-container-body class

  data={ data }
  bodyStyle={ { background: '#00ff00' } }>

containerClass : String

Add your own class names on the react-bs-table-container class

  data={ data }

tableContainerClass : String

Add your own class names on the react-bs-table class

  data={ data }

headerContainerClass : String

Add your own class names on the react-bs-container-header class

  data={ data }

bodyContainerClass : String

Add your own class names on the react-bs-container-body class

  data={ data }

tableHeaderClass : String

react-bootstrap-table separate two table element as header and body. So the tableHeaderClass is for the table element in the header.

  data={ data }

tableBodyClass : String

react-bootstrap-table separate two table element as header and body. So the tableBodyClass is for the table element in the body.

  data={ data }

multiColumnSort : Number

Enable the multi sort on table and the number value is means max sorting volumn.

  data={ data }
  multiColumnSort={ 2 }>

keyBoardNav : Bool | Object

This props will enable/disable the keyboard navigation cell by cell on table. This is new feature from 3.0.0. Default is false You can have a basic and simple keyboard navigation feature on table via enable keyBoardNav on BootstrapTable. For the usage of keyboard navigation is you can click any cell to focus in or use ⬅ ⬆ ⬇ ➡ to natigate the cell.

<BootstrapTable data={ data } keyBoardNav>

But if you want more advance features for keyboard navigation or integrate with cell editing, expand row or selection row, you may get interesting to see how them work well together: In the advance cases, you need to configure keyBoardNav as an object and this object may have different properties which depends on different usage:

  • customStyle: Return a style object which will be applied on the navigating cell.
  • clickToNav: false to disable the click to navigating, usually user want to click to select row instead of navigation.
  • customStyleOnEditCell: Return a style object which will be applied on the both of navigating and editing cell.
  • enterToEdit: true to enable pressing ENTER to edit cell if enable cellEdit.

Note: checking more examples for keyboard navigation

fetchInfo : Object

react-bootstrap-table support the remote pagination feature, when you enable this feature, react-bootstrap-table will check fetchInfo to generate pagination. fetchInfo accept an object which have the following props:
render() {
  const fetchInfo = {
    dataTotalSize: 100 // or checkbox
      data={ data }
      remote={ true }
      pagination={ true }
      fetchInfo={ fetchInfo }>

fetchInfo: dataTotalSize : Number

You can assign total size of remote stored data.

render() {
  const fetchInfo = {
    dataTotalSize: 100
      data={ data }
      remote={ true }
      pagination={ true }
      fetchInfo={ fetchInfo}>

selectRow : Object

react-bootstrap-table support the row selection feature, when you enable this feature, react-bootstrap-table will add a selection column at first position. selectRow accept an object which have the following props: Be carefully, when you enable selectRow, you should tell react-bootstrap-table which the mode you wanted. Following is a most simple example for configuring the selectRow

render() {
  const selectRow = {
    mode: 'radio' // or checkbox
      data={ data }
      selectRow={ selectRow }>

selectRow: mode : String

Specifing the row selection for single(radio) or multiple(checkbox). If radio assigned, there's a radio button in the selection column; likewise, the checkbox is same.

render() {
  const selectRow = {
    mode: 'radio'  // single select
      data={ data }
      selectRow={ selectRow }>

render() {
  const selectRow = {
    mode: 'checkbox'  // multi select
      data={ data }
      selectRow={ selectRow }>

selectRow: clickToSelect : Bool

If true, click the row will trigger selection on that row and also trigger cell editing if you enabled cell edit. Default is false. This feature is very useful that user dont move their mouse on the radio button or checkbox, they can just click on the row to select it.

render() {
  const selectRow = {
    mode: 'checkbox',  // multi select
    clickToSelect: true
      data={ data }
      selectRow={ selectRow }>

selectRow: clickToSelectAndEditCell : Bool

If true, click the row will trigger selection and cell editing if you enabled cell edit. Default is false.

render() {
  const selectRow = {
    mode: 'checkbox',  // multi select
    clickToSelectAndEditCell: true
      data={ data }
      selectRow={ selectRow }>

selectRow: clickToExpand : Bool

Default is false, it will trigger expanding row also if true assigned.

isExpandableRow(row) {
  if (row.id < 2) return true;
    else return false;

expandComponent(row) {
  return (
render() {
  const selectRow = {
    mode: 'checkbox',
    clickToExpand: true   // Trigger expand and selection together
      data={ data }
      expandableRow={ this.isExpandableRow }
      expandComponent={ this.expandComponent }
      selectRow={ selectRow }>

selectRow: bgColor : Bool | Function

You can assign the background color of row which be selected. If your requirement is much complex, you can assign a function to bgColor, you will have more ability to custom rows background color when selecting.

render() {
  const selectRow = {
    mode: 'checkbox',  // multi select
    bgColor: '#fefefe'
      data={ data }
      selectRow={ selectRow }>

render() {
  const selectRow = {
    mode: 'checkbox',  // multi select
    bgColor: function(row, isSelect) {
      if (isSelect) {
        const { id } = row;
        if (id < 2) return 'blue';
        else if (id < 4) return 'red';
        else return 'yellow';
      return null;
      data={ data }
      selectRow={ selectRow }>

selectRow: columnWidth : String

You can change the width of the selection column by columnWidth.

render() {
  const selectRow = {
    mode: 'checkbox',  // multi select
    columnWidth: '60px'
      data={ data }
      selectRow={ selectRow }>

selectRow: className : String

You can assign the class name of row which be selected.

render() {
  const selectRow = {
    mode: 'checkbox',  // multi select
    className: 'custom-select-class'
      data={ data }
      selectRow={ selectRow }>

selectRow: selected : Array

Give an array data to perform which rows you want to be selected when table loading. The content of array should be the rowkeys which you want to be selected.

render() {
  const selectRow = {
    mode: 'checkbox',  // multi select
    selected: [ 'row1', 'row3' ]
      data={ data }
      selectRow={ selectRow }>

selectRow: unselectable : Array

Give an array data to perform which rows you hope not to be selected. The content of array should be the rowkeys.

render() {
  const selectRow = {
    mode: 'checkbox',  // multi select
    unselectable: [ 'row4', 'row5' ]
      data={ data }
      selectRow={ selectRow }>

selectRow: hideSelectColumn : Bool

Default is false. If true, the radio/checkbox column will be hide. You can enable this attribute if you enable clickToSelect and you don't want to show the selection column.

render() {
  const selectRow = {
    mode: 'checkbox',  // multi select
    hideSelectColumn: true
      data={ data }
      selectRow={ selectRow }>

selectRow: showOnlySelected : Bool

Default is false. If enabled, there will be a button on top of table for toggling selected rows only.

render() {
  const selectRow = {
    mode: 'checkbox',  // multi select
    showOnlySelected: true
      data={ data }
      selectRow={ selectRow }>

selectRow: onSelect : Function

Accept a custom callback function, if a row be selected or unselected, this function will be called. This callback function taking three arguments:
  • row
  • isSelected
  • event
row is the row data which you wanted to select or unselect.
isSelectedis a boolean value which means "whether or not that row will be selected?".
eventis the event target object.
Tips: If the return value of this function is false, the select or deselect action will not be applied.

handleRowSelect(row, isSelected, e) {
  // ...

render() {
  const selectRow = {
    mode: 'checkbox',  // multi select
    onSelect: this.handleRowSelect
      data={ data }
      selectRow={ selectRow }>

selectRow: onSelectAll : Function

Accept a custom callback function, if click select all checkbox, this function will be called. This callback function taking two arguments:
  • isSelected
  • rows
isSelectedis a boolean value which means "whether or not that row will be selected?".
rows is the rows which be selected or unselected.

If return value of this function is false, the select all or deselect all action will not be applied.
If return value of this function is an array of rowkeys, this array will be applied as selection row when select all trigger.
It's useful when you have a validation to filter some rows on selecting all.

handleRowSelect(isSelected, rows) {
  // ...

render() {
  const selectRow = {
    mode: 'checkbox',  // multi select
    onSelectAll: this.handleSelectAll
      data={ data }
      selectRow={ selectRow }>

selectRow: customComponent : Function

Though customComponent, you can custom your own selection checkbox or radio button. This function take one argument: props and have following properties:
  • type
  • checked
  • disabled
  • onChange
  • rowIndex
You can follow this example to learn how ot customize the selection column

cellEdit : Object

react-bootstrap-table support the cell editing feature, when you enable this feature, react-bootstrap-table will make the target cell as editable by clicking or dbclicking. cellEdit accept an object which have the following props: Be carefully, when you enable cellEdit, you should tell react-bootstrap-table which the mode you wanted. Following is a most simple example for configuring the cellEdit

render() {
  const cellEdit = {
    mode: 'click' // click cell to edit
      data={ data }
      cellEdit={ cellEdit }>

cellEdit: mode : String

Spectify the condition that will trigger cell editing.(click or dbclick)

render() {
  const cellEdit = {
    mode: 'click' // click cell to edit
      data={ data }
      cellEdit={ cellEdit }>

render() {
  const cellEdit = {
    mode: 'dbclick' // double click cell to edit
      data={ data }
      cellEdit={ cellEdit }>

cellEdit: blurToSave : Bool

Enable blurToSave will trigger a saving event on cell when mouse blur on the input field. Default is false. In the default condition, you need to press ENTER to save the cell.

render() {
  const cellEdit = {
    mode: 'click', // click cell to edit
    blurToSave: true,
      data={ data }
      cellEdit={ cellEdit }>

cellEdit: nonEditableRows : Function

nonEditableRows tell react-bootstrap-table which rows should not be edited on all of the columns. Briefly, its a row level limitation
Please assign a callback function, and this function is supposed to be return an array of row keys.

render() {
  const cellEdit = {
    mode: 'click', // click cell to edit
    nonEditableRows: : function() {
      // if product id less than 3, will cause the whole row noneditable
      // this function should return an array of row keys
      return products.filter(p => p.id < 3).map(p => p.id);
      data={ data }
      cellEdit={ cellEdit }>

cellEdit: beforeSaveCell : Function

Accept a callback function, before cell saving, this function will be called. This callback function taking three arguments:
  • row
  • cellName
  • cellValue
Tips: It's necessary to return a bool value which means whether apply this cell editing or not.

beforeSaveCell(row, cellName, cellValue) {
  // if you dont want to save this editing, just return false to cancel it.

render() {
  const cellEdit = {
    mode: 'click', // click cell to edit
    beforeSaveCell: this.beforeSaveCell,
      data={ data }
      cellEdit={ cellEdit }>

cellEdit: afterSaveCell : Function

Accept a custom callback function, after saving cell, this function will be called. This callback function taking three arguments:
  • row
  • cellName
  • cellValue

afterSaveCell(row, cellName, cellValue) {
  // do your stuff...

render() {
  const cellEdit = {
    mode: 'click', // click cell to edit
    afterSaveCell: this.afterSaveCell,
      data={ data }
      cellEdit={ cellEdit }>

sortName : String

Manage the sort field by yourself. You can also control the sort order by sortOrder

constructor(props) {
  // Manage the sort state in your application
  this.state = {
    sortName: undefined,
    sortOrder: undefined
  this.onSortChange = this.onSortChange.bind(this);

onSortChange(sortName, sortOrder) {

render() {
  const options = {
    sortName: this.state.sortName,
    sortOrder: this.state.sortOrder,
    onSortChange: this.onSortChange
  return (
    <BootstrapTable data={ products } options={ options }>
      <TableHeaderColumn dataField='id' isKey={ true } dataSort={ true }>Product ID</TableHeaderColumn>
      <TableHeaderColumn dataField='name' dataSort={ true }>Product Name</TableHeaderColumn>
      <TableHeaderColumn dataField='price'>Product Price</TableHeaderColumn>

sortOrder : String

Manage the sort order by yourself. It's same as sortName. Tips: The available value is desc and asc.

defaultSortName : String

Assign a default sort field.

render() {
  const options = {
    defaultSortName: 'name'
  return (
    <BootstrapTable data={ products } options={ options }>
      <TableHeaderColumn dataField='id' isKey={ true }>Product ID</TableHeaderColumn>
      <TableHeaderColumn dataField='name' dataSort={ true }>Product Name</TableHeaderColumn>
      <TableHeaderColumn dataField='price'>Product Price</TableHeaderColumn>

defaultSortOrder : String

Assign a default sort order. Tips: The available value is desc and asc.

render() {
  const options = {
    defaultSortName: 'name',
    defaultSortOrder: 'asc'
  return (
    <BootstrapTable data={ products } options={ options }>
      <TableHeaderColumn dataField='id' isKey={ true }>Product ID</TableHeaderColumn>
      <TableHeaderColumn dataField='name' dataSort={ true }>Product Name</TableHeaderColumn>
      <TableHeaderColumn dataField='price'>Product Price</TableHeaderColumn>

sortIndicator : Bool

False to disable sort indicator on header column, default is true.

render() {
  const options = {
    sortIndicator: false
  return (
    <BootstrapTable data={ products } options={ options }>
      <TableHeaderColumn dataField='id' isKey={ true }>Product ID</TableHeaderColumn>
      <TableHeaderColumn dataField='name'>Product Name</TableHeaderColumn>
      <TableHeaderColumn dataField='price'>Product Price</TableHeaderColumn>

onSortChange : Function

Assign a callback function which will be called after trigger sorting. This function taking two argument:
  • sortName
  • sortOrder
This function almost used on remote, you can check this example.

onSortChange = (sortName, sortOrder) => {
  // ...
render() {
  const options = {
    onSortChange: this.onSortChange
  return (
    <BootstrapTable data={ products } options={ options }>
      <TableHeaderColumn dataField='id' isKey={ true }>Product ID</TableHeaderColumn>
      <TableHeaderColumn dataField='name' dataSort>Product Name</TableHeaderColumn>
      <TableHeaderColumn dataField='price' dataSort>Product Price</TableHeaderColumn>

noDataText : String | JSX

Change the displaying text on table if data is empty. This option accept a value of string or JSX.

render() {
  const options = {
    noDataText: 'Empty Table'
  return (
    <BootstrapTable data={ products } options={ options }>
      <TableHeaderColumn dataField='id' isKey={ true }>Product ID</TableHeaderColumn>
      <TableHeaderColumn dataField='name'>Product Name</TableHeaderColumn>
      <TableHeaderColumn dataField='price'>Product Price</TableHeaderColumn>

withoutNoDataText : Bool

Show/Hide the on data text if table if empty, default is false.

render() {
  const options = {
    withoutNoDataText: true
  return (
    <BootstrapTable data={ products } options={ options }>
      // ...

defaultSearch : String

Setting the default search condition.

render() {
  const options = {
    defaultSearch: 'Product 1'
  return (
    <BootstrapTable data={ products } options={ options } search>
      // ...

searchDelayTime : Number(millisecond)

A delay for triggering search after a keyup event

render() {
  const options = {
    searchDelayTime: 1500
  return (
    <BootstrapTable data={ products } options={ options }>
      <TableHeaderColumn dataField='id' isKey={ true }>Product ID</TableHeaderColumn>
      <TableHeaderColumn dataField='name'>Product Name</TableHeaderColumn>
      <TableHeaderColumn dataField='price'>Product Price</TableHeaderColumn>

ignoreEditable : Bool

Default is false, if true means you want to ignore any editable on <TableHeaderColumn> when row insert.

render() {
  const options = {
    ignoreEditable: true
  return (
    <BootstrapTable data={ products } options={ options } insertRow>
      <TableHeaderColumn dataField='id' isKey={ true }>Product ID</TableHeaderColumn>
      <TableHeaderColumn dataField='name'>Product Name</TableHeaderColumn>
      <TableHeaderColumn dataField='price'>Product Price</TableHeaderColumn>

clearSearch : Bool

Only work when search enabled. If true, there will be a button beside search input field for clearing search field text.

render() {
  const options = {
    clearSearch: true
  return (
    <BootstrapTable data={ products } options={ options } search>
      // ...

onSearchChange : Function

Assign a callback function which will be called when search text change. This function taking three argument:
  • searchText
  • colInfos
  • multiColumnSearch
In most case, you only need to use searchText. This function almost used on remote, you can check this example.

onSearchChange = (searchText, colInfos, multiColumnSearch) => {

render() {
  const options = {
    onSearchChange: this.onSearchChange
  return (
    <BootstrapTable data={ products } options={ options } search>
      // ...

afterSearch : Function

Assign a callback function which will be called after trigger searching. This function taking two argument:
  • searchText
  • result

afterSearch = (searchText, result) => {

render() {
  const options = {
    afterSearch: this.afterSearch
  return (
    <BootstrapTable data={ products } options={ options } search>
      // ...

afterTableComplete : Function

Assign a callback function which will be called after table update.

handleTableComplete() {
  // ...

render() {
  const options = {
    afterTableComplete: this.handleTableComplete
  return (
    <BootstrapTable data={ products } options={ options }>
      <TableHeaderColumn dataField='id' isKey={ true }>Product ID</TableHeaderColumn>
      <TableHeaderColumn dataField='name'>Product Name</TableHeaderColumn>
      <TableHeaderColumn dataField='price'>Product Price</TableHeaderColumn>

afterDeleteRow : Function

Assign a callback function which will be called after row delete. This function taking one argument: rowKeys, which means the row keys you dropped.

handleDeletedRow(rowKeys) {
  // ...

render() {
  const options = {
    afterDeleteRow: this.handleDeletedRow
  const selectRow = {
    mode: 'checkbox',
    clickToSelect: true
  return (
      data={ products } 
      selectRow={ selectRow }
      options={ options }
      <TableHeaderColumn dataField='id' isKey={ true }>Product ID</TableHeaderColumn>
      <TableHeaderColumn dataField='name'>Product Name</TableHeaderColumn>
      <TableHeaderColumn dataField='price'>Product Price</TableHeaderColumn>

afterInsertRow : Function

Assign a callback function which will be called after row insert. This function taking one argument: row, which means the row object you added.

handleInsertedRow(row) {
  // ...

render() {
  const options = {
    afterInsertRow: this.handleInsertedRow
  return (
      data={ products } 
      options={ options }
      // ...

afterColumnFilter : Function

Assign a callback function which will be called after trigger column filtering. This function taking two argument:
  • filterConds
  • result
filterConds: It's an array object which contain all column filter conditions.
result: The results after filtering.
This function only work when you enable columnFilter on <BootstrapTable> or define the filter on <TableHeaderColumn>

afterColumnFilter(filterConds, result) {
  console.log('Filter Conditions: ');
  for (const prop in filterConds) {
    console.log('Filter column= ' + prop + ', Filter value= ' + filterConds[prop]);
  console.log('Result is:');
  for (let i = 0; i < result.length; i++) {
    console.log('Product: ' + result[i].id + ', ' + result[i].name + ', ' + result[i].price);

render() {
  const options = {
    afterColumnFilter: this.afterColumnFilter
  return (
      data={ products } 
      options={ options }
      <TableHeaderColumn dataField='id' isKey={ true }>Product ID</TableHeaderColumn>
      <TableHeaderColumn dataField='name' filter={ { type: 'TextFilter', delay: 1000 } }>Product Name</TableHeaderColumn>
      <TableHeaderColumn dataField='price'>Product Price</TableHeaderColumn>

onAddRow : Function

Assign a callback function which will be called when a row be added. This function taking one argument: row which presented as the new row data. onAddRow almost used on remote, you can check this example.

onAddRow(row) {
  // ...

render() {
  const options = {
    onAddRow: this.onAddRow
  return (
      data={ products } 
      options={ options }
      // ...

onFilterChange : Function

Assign a callback function which will be called when a filter condition changing. This function taking one argument: filterObj which is an object which take dataField as object key and the value is the filter condition. onFilterChange almost used on remote, you can check this example.

onFilterChange(filterObj) {
  // ...

render() {
  const options = {
    onFilterChange: this.onFilterChange
  return (
      data={ products } 
      options={ options }>
      <TableHeaderColumn dataField='id' isKey={ true }>Product ID</TableHeaderColumn>
      <TableHeaderColumn dataField='name' filter={ { type: 'TextFilter', delay: 1000 } }>Product Name</TableHeaderColumn>
      <TableHeaderColumn dataField='price'>Product Price</TableHeaderColumn>

onExportToCSV : Function

Assign a callback function which will be called when click the export csv button. In this function, you need to return an array which need to be exported. onExportToCSV almost used on remote, you can check this example.

onExportToCSV(row) {
  // ...
  return products; // must return the data which you want to be exported

render() {
  const options = {
    onExportToCSV: this.onExportToCSV
  return (
      data={ products } 
      options={ options }
      // ...

onDeleteRow : Function

Assign a callback function which will be called when a row been deleted. This function taking one argument: rows which presented as the deleted rows. onDeleteRow almost used on remote, you can check this example.

onDeleteRow(rows) {
  // ...

render() {
  const options = {
    onDeleteRow: this.onDeleteRow
  const selectRow = {
    mode: 'checkbox'
  return (
      data={ products } 
      options={ options }
      selectRow= { selectRow }
      // ...

onRowClick : Function

Assign a callback function which will be called after a click on row. This function taking one argument: row which is the row data which you click on.

onRowClick(row) {
  // ...

render() {
  const options = {
    onRowClick: this.onRowClick
  return (
      data={ products } 
      options={ options }>
      // ...

onRowDoubleClick : Function

Assign a callback function which will be called after a double click on row. This function taking one argument: row which is the row data which you dbclick on.

onRowDoubleClick(row) {
  // ...

render() {
  const options = {
    onRowDoubleClick: this.onRowDoubleClick
  return (
      data={ products } 
      options={ options }>
      // ...

onMouseEnter : Function

Assign a callback function which will be called when mouse enter into the table.

onMouseEnter() {
  // ...

render() {
  const options = {
    onMouseEnter: this.onMouseEnter
  return (
      data={ products } 
      options={ options }>
      // ...

onMouseLeave : Function

Assign a callback function which will be called when mouse leave from the table.

onMouseLeave() {
  // ...

render() {
  const options = {
    onMouseLeave: this.onMouseLeave
  return (
      data={ products } 
      options={ options }>
      // ...

onRowMouseOver : Function

Assign a callback function which will be called when mouse over a row in table. This function taking one argument: row is the row data which mouse over.

onRowMouseOver(row) {
  // ...

render() {
  const options = {
    onRowMouseOver: this.onRowMouseOver
  return (
      data={ products } 
      options={ options }>
      // ...

onRowMouseOut : Function

Assign a callback function which will be called when mouse leave a row in table. This function taking one argument: row is the row data which mouse out.

onRowMouseOut(row) {
  // ...

render() {
  const options = {
    onRowMouseOut: this.onRowMouseOut
  return (
      data={ products } 
      options={ options }>
      // ...

handleConfirmDeleteRow : Function

Assign a callback function which will be called when row dropping. It give you a chance to customize your confirmation message for row deletion. This function taking two argument:
  • next
  • rowKeys
next: If you confirm to drop row, call next() to continue the process
rowKeys: is the row keys which been deleted, you can call next function to apply this deletion.

customConfirm(next, dropRowKeys) {
  const dropRowKeysStr = dropRowKeys.join(',');
  if (confirm(`(It's a custom confirm)Are you sure you want to delete ${dropRowKeysStr}?`)) {
    // If the confirmation is true, call the function that
    // continues the deletion of the record.

render() {
  const options = {
    handleConfirmDeleteRow: this.customConfirm
  const selectRow = {
    mode: 'checkbox',
    clickToSelect: true
  return (
      data={ products } 
      selectRow={ selectRow }
      options={ options }
      // ...

beforeShowError : Function

You can do something before the toastr pop or even disable the toastr!!

jobStatusValidator(value) {
  const nan = isNaN(parseInt(value, 10));
  if (nan) {
    return 'Job Status must be a integer!';
  return true;

render() {
  const options = {
    beforeShowError: (type, msg) => {
        errType: type,
        errMsg: msg
      // return false or do not return will not trigger the toastr,
      // if you want the toastr popup, you should return true always.
  const cellEditProp = {
    mode: 'click',
    blurToSave: true
  return (
    <p style={ { color: 'red' } }>{ `[${this.state.errType}]: ${this.state.errMsg}` }</p>
      data={ products }
      cellEdit={ cellEditProp }
      options={ options }>
        <TableHeaderColumn dataField='id' isKey={ true }>Job ID</TableHeaderColumn>
        <TableHeaderColumn dataField='status' editable={ { validator: this.jobStatusValidator } }>Job Status</TableHeaderColumn>

printToolBar : Bool

Default is true, you can disable to print the toolbar via false

render() {
  const options = {
    printToolBar: false
  return (
      data={ products }
      options={ options }>
        <TableHeaderColumn dataField='id' isKey>Job ID</TableHeaderColumn>
        <TableHeaderColumn dataField='status'>Job Status</TableHeaderColumn>

prePage : String

Customize the text of previouse page button

render() {
  const options = {
    prePage: 'Previous'
  return (
      data={ products } 
      options={ options }
      // ...

nextPage : String

Customize the text of next page button

render() {
  const options = {
    nextPage: 'Next'
  return (
      data={ products } 
      options={ options }
      <TableHeaderColumn dataField='id' isKey={ true }>Product ID</TableHeaderColumn>
      <TableHeaderColumn dataField='name'>Product Name</TableHeaderColumn>
      <TableHeaderColumn dataField='price'>Product Price</TableHeaderColumn>

firstPage : String

Customize the text of first page button

render() {
  const options = {
    firstPage: 'First Page'
  return (
      data={ products } 
      options={ options }
      <TableHeaderColumn dataField='id' isKey={ true }>Product ID</TableHeaderColumn>
      <TableHeaderColumn dataField='name'>Product Name</TableHeaderColumn>
      <TableHeaderColumn dataField='price'>Product Price</TableHeaderColumn>

lastPage : String

Customize the text of last page button

render() {
  const options = {
    lastPage: 'Last Page'
  return (
      data={ products } 
      options={ options }
      <TableHeaderColumn dataField='id' isKey={ true }>Product ID</TableHeaderColumn>
      <TableHeaderColumn dataField='name'>Product Name</TableHeaderColumn>
      <TableHeaderColumn dataField='price'>Product Price</TableHeaderColumn>

page : Number

Accept a number, which means the page you want to show as default.

render() {
  const options = {
    page: 3  // Showing page 3 as default
  return (
      data={ products } 
      options={ options }
      <TableHeaderColumn dataField='id' isKey={ true }>Product ID</TableHeaderColumn>
      <TableHeaderColumn dataField='name'>Product Name</TableHeaderColumn>
      <TableHeaderColumn dataField='price'>Product Price</TableHeaderColumn>

sizePerPageList : Array

You can change the dropdown list for size per page. default is 10, 25, 30, 50.

render() {
  const options = {
    sizePerPageList: [ 5, 15, 30 ]
  return (
      data={ products } 
      options={ options }
      // ...

However, you can do more customization like following:
render() {
  const options = {
    sizePerPageList: [ {
      text: '5', value: 5
    }, {
      text: '10', value: 10
    }, {
      text: 'All', value: products.length
    } ]
  return (
      data={ products } 
      options={ options }
      // ...

sizePerPage : Number

Accept a number, which means the size per page you want to show as default.

render() {
  const options = {
    sizePerPage: 30  // Showing 30 for the size per page as default
  return (
      data={ products } 
      options={ options }
      // ...

paginationSize : Number

To define the length of pagination bar, default is 5.

render() {
  const options = {
    paginationSize: 3
  return (
      data={ products } 
      options={ options }
      // ...

hideSizePerPage : Bool

Enable to hide the dropdown list for size per page, default is false.

render() {
  const options = {
    hideSizePerPage: true
  return (
      data={ products } 
      options={ options }
      // ...

paginationShowsTotal : Bool | Function

Display a short text the total number of element and current lines displayed, default is false. If you want to custom this short text, you can give a function and this function take three arguments:
  • start
  • to
  • total
start: Current start index.
to: Current end index.
total: The total data volume.

render() {
  const options = {
    paginationShowsTotal: true  // Enable showing total text
  return (
      data={ products } 
      options={ options }
      // ...

Following is a customization example

renderPaginationShowsTotal(start, to, total) {
  return (
    <p style={ { color: 'blue' } }>
      From { start } to { to }, totals is { total }  (its a customize text)

render() {
  const options = {
    paginationShowsTotal: this.renderPaginationShowsTotal  // custom
  return (
      data={ products } 
      options={ options }
      // ...

pageStartIndex : Number

A chance to modify the start page number, default is start from the page one.

render() {
  const options = {
    pageStartIndex: 0
  return (
      data={ products } 
      options={ options }
      // ...

onPageChange : Function

Assign a callback function which will be called after page changed. This function taking two argument:
  • page
  • sizePerPage
This function almost used on remote, you can check this example.

onPageChange = (page, sizePerPage) => {
  // ...

render() {
  const options = {
    onPageChange: this.onPageChange
  return (
      data={ products } 
      options={ options }
      // ...

onSizePerPageList : Function

Assign a callback function which will be called after size per page dropdown changed. This function taking one argument:
  • sizePerPage
This function almost used on remote, you can check this example.

onSizePerPageList = (sizePerPage) => {
  // ...

render() {
  const options = {
    onSizePerPageList: this.onSizePerPageList
  return (
      data={ products } 
      options={ options }
      // ...

hidePageListOnlyOnePage : Bool

Default is false, if true assign, the pagination list will be hide totalliy if only one page.

render() {
  const options = {
    hidePageListOnlyOnePage: true
  return (
      data={ products } 
      options={ options }
      // ...

expandRowBgColor : String

Assign a color for custom the background color of expanding row.

expandComponent(row) {
  return (
render() {
  const options = {
    expandRowBgColor: 'rgb(242, 255, 163)'
  return (
      data={ products } 
      options= { options }
      expandableRow={ () => { return true; } }
      expandComponent={ this.expandComponent }>
      // ...

expandBy : String

Tell react-bootstrap-table how to trigger expanding by clicking on row or column level.
It value is column, default all the columns are expandable, if you want some column as unexpandable, check expandable.

expandComponent(row) {
  return (
render() {
  const options = {
    expandBy: 'column'  // Currently, available value is row and column, default is row
  return (
      data={ products } 
      options= { options }
      expandableRow={ () => { return true; } }
      expandComponent={ this.expandComponent }>
      // ...

insertText : String

Customize the text on insert button.

render() {
  const options = {
    insertText: 'Custom Insert Text'
  return (
      data={ products } 
      options={ options }
      // ...

deleteText : String

Customize the text on delete button.

render() {
  const options = {
    deleteText: 'Custom Delete Text'
  return (
      data={ products } 
      options={ options }
      // ...

saveText : String

Customize the text of save button in insert modal.

render() {
  const options = {
    saveText: 'Custom Save Text'
  return (
      data={ products } 
      options={ options }
      // ...

closeText : String

Customize the text of close button in insert modal.

render() {
  const options = {
    closeText: 'Custom Close Text'
  return (
      data={ products } 
      options={ options }
      // ...

exportCSVText : String

Customize the text on the export csv button.

render() {
  const options = {
    exportCSVText: 'Custom Export CSV Text'
  return (
      data={ products } 
      options={ options }
      // ...

expandableRow : Function

Tell react-bootstrap-table which rows are able to expand. This props accept a callback function and is suppose to be return an Array of row keys
expandableRow always used with expandComponent, both of props are enable the expand row functionality on table.

isExpandableRow(row) {
  if (row.id < 2) return true;
    else return false;

expandComponent(row) {
  return (
render() {
  return (
      data={ products } 
      expandableRow={ this.isExpandableRow }
      expandComponent={ this.expandComponent }>
      // ...

expandComponent : Function

Tell react-bootstrap-table what's content should be rendered in the expanding content. This props accept a callback function and is suppose to be return JSX or String
expandComponent always used with expandableRow, both of props are enable the expand row functionality on table.

isExpandableRow(row) {
  if (row.id < 2) return true;
    else return false;

expandComponent(row) {
  return (
render() {
  return (
      data={ products } 
      expandableRow={ this.isExpandableRow }
      expandComponent={ this.expandComponent }>
      // ...

expandColumnOptions : Object

Assign some alternative options for expand row feature, expandColumnOptions only have four available property currently.
  • expandColumnVisible: will enable an indicator column at first column if true. Default is false.
  • expandColumnComponent: a callback function for custom the indicator column.
  • columnWidth: set the width of indicator column.
  • expandColumnBeforeSelectColumn: default is true, false will move the expand indicator column after selection column.
isExpandableRow(row) {
  if (row.id < 2) return true;
    else return false;

expandComponent(row) {
  return (

expandColumnComponent({ isExpandableRow, isExpanded }) {
    let content = '';

    if (isExpandableRow) {
      content = (isExpanded ? '(-)' : '(+)' );
    } else {
      content = ' ';
    return (
      <div> { content } </div>

render() {
  return (
      data={ products } 
      expandableRow={ this.isExpandableRow }
      expandComponent={ this.expandComponent }
      expandColumnOptions={ { 
        expandColumnVisible: true,
        expandColumnComponent: this.expandColumnComponent,
        columnWidth: 50
      } }>
      // ...


Call handleAddRow to insert an new row to table.

var fakeRow = {
  id: 10,
  name: 'Product one',
  price: 240
// insert a new row
var result = this.refs.table.handleAddRow(fakeRow);   // this.refs.table is a ref for BootstrapTable
if (result){  // some error happen, ex: doesn't assign row key or row key duplicated


Call handleAddRowAtBegin to insert an new row as first row on table.

var fakeRow = {
  id: 10,
  name: 'Product one',
  price: 240
// insert a new row
var result = this.refs.table.handleAddRowAtBegin(fakeRow);   // this.refs.table is a ref for BootstrapTable
if (result){  // some error happen, ex: doesn't assign row key or row key duplicated


Call handleDropRow to drop rows in table.

// Drop row key 2 & 3
this.refs.table.handleDropRow([ 2, 3 ]); // this.refs.table is a ref for BootstrapTable


Call handleFilterData to do column filtering on table.

// find name eq 'Allen' && age eq 26
this.refs.table.handleFilterData({  // this.refs.table is a ref for BootstrapTable
    name: "Allen",
    age: 26


Call handleSearch with search text for fully searching.

// Search table for 'React.js'
this.refs.table.handleSearch('React.js'); // this.refs.table is a ref for BootstrapTable


Call handleSort with order and field for sorting.

// Force a sort for product_id field by desc
this.refs.table.handleSort('desc', 'product_id');  // this.refs.table is a ref for BootstrapTable


Call getPageByRowKey to get the page by a rowkey.

// Find the page of product_id
this.refs.table.getPageByRowKey('product_id');  // this.refs.table is a ref for BootstrapTable


Call handleExportCSV to export table as csv.

// export CSV file
this.refs.table.handleExportCSV();  // this.refs.table is a ref for BootstrapTable


Call cleanSelected deselect all rows.

this.refs.table.cleanSelected();  // this.refs.table is a ref for BootstrapTable


Call reset to clean all the status on the table currently.

this.refs.table.reset();  // this.refs.table is a ref for BootstrapTable

dataField : String

The field of data you want to show on column.
Tips: This prop is required

<BootstrapTable data={ products }>
  <TableHeaderColumn dataField='id' isKey={ true }>Product ID</TableHeaderColumn>
  <TableHeaderColumn dataField='name'>Product Name</TableHeaderColumn>
  <TableHeaderColumn dataField='price'>Product Price</TableHeaderColumn>

isKey : String

Use isKey to tell table which column is unique. This is same as keyField in <BootstrapTable> Tips: You need choose one of configuration to set the key field: isKey or keyField in <BootstrapTable>.

<BootstrapTable data={ products }>
  <TableHeaderColumn dataField='id' isKey>Product ID</TableHeaderColumn>
  <TableHeaderColumn dataField='name'>Product Name</TableHeaderColumn>
  <TableHeaderColumn dataField='price'>Product Price</TableHeaderColumn>

width : String

Set the column width. ex: '150px' or '20%', Remeber to an unit for width will be better.

<BootstrapTable data={ products }>
  <TableHeaderColumn dataField='id' isKey>Product ID</TableHeaderColumn>
  <TableHeaderColumn dataField='name' width='150px'>Product Name</TableHeaderColumn>
  <TableHeaderColumn dataField='price' width='20%'>Product Price</TableHeaderColumn>

dataAlign : String

Set align on column, available value is left, center, right, start and end.

<BootstrapTable data={ products }>
  <TableHeaderColumn dataField='id' isKey>Product ID</TableHeaderColumn>
  <TableHeaderColumn dataField='name' dataAlign='right'>Product Name</TableHeaderColumn>
  <TableHeaderColumn dataField='price'>Product Price</TableHeaderColumn>

headerAlign : String

Set align on header, available value is left, center, right, start and end. Tips: If you don't set the headerAlign, default will follow dataAlign.

<BootstrapTable data={ products }>
  <TableHeaderColumn dataField='id' isKey>Product ID</TableHeaderColumn>
  <TableHeaderColumn dataField='name' headerAlign='right'>Product Name</TableHeaderColumn>
  <TableHeaderColumn dataField='price'>Product Price</TableHeaderColumn>

dataSort : Bool

True to enable table sorting. Default is disabled.

<BootstrapTable data={ products }>
  <TableHeaderColumn dataField='id' isKey>Product ID</TableHeaderColumn>
  <TableHeaderColumn dataField='name' dataSort>Product Name</TableHeaderColumn>
  <TableHeaderColumn dataField='price' dataSort>Product Price</TableHeaderColumn>

caretRender : Function

Allow user to render a custom sort caret. You should give a function and should return a JSX.
This function taking two arguments:
direction which present the sort order currently.
fieldName is the on sorting field name.

renderCaret = (direction, fieldName) => {
  if (direction === 'asc') {
    return (
  if (direction === 'desc') {
    return (
  return (

render() {
  return (
    <BootstrapTable data={ products }>
      <TableHeaderColumn dataField='id' isKey>Product ID</TableHeaderColumn>
      <TableHeaderColumn dataField='name' dataSort caretRender={ this.renderCaret }>Product Name</TableHeaderColumn>
      <TableHeaderColumn dataField='price'>Product Price</TableHeaderColumn>

dataFormat : Function

To customize the column. This callback function should return a String or a React Component. In addition, this function taking four argument:
  • cell
  • row
  • formatExtraData
  • rowIdx
The formatExtraData will be the value which you assign it on <TableHeaderColumn>.
You need to return a String or JSX in dataFormat

priceFormatter(cell, row) {   // String example
  return `<i class='glyphicon glyphicon-usd'></i> ${cell}`;

render() {
  return (
    <BootstrapTable data={ products }>
      <TableHeaderColumn dataField='id' isKey>Product ID</TableHeaderColumn>
      <TableHeaderColumn dataField='name'>Product Name</TableHeaderColumn>
      <TableHeaderColumn dataField='price' dataFormat={ this.priceFormatter }>Product Price</TableHeaderColumn>

priceFormatter(cell, row) {   // JSX example
  return ( ... );

render() {
  return (
    <BootstrapTable data={ products } search>
      <TableHeaderColumn dataField='id' isKey>Product ID</TableHeaderColumn>
      <TableHeaderColumn dataField='name'>Product Name</TableHeaderColumn>
      <TableHeaderColumn dataField='price' dataFormat={ this.priceFormatter }>Product Price</TableHeaderColumn>

formatExtraData : Any

It's useful with dataFormat, you can give any data you want to be passed to the formatter.

enumFormatter(cell, row, enumObject) {
  return enumObject[cell];

render() {
  const qualityType = {
    0: 'good',
    1: 'bad',
    2: 'unknown'
  const inStockStatus = {
    1: 'yes',
    2: 'no'
  return (
    <BootstrapTable data={ products }>
      <TableHeaderColumn dataField='id' isKey={ true }>Product ID</TableHeaderColumn>
      <TableHeaderColumn dataField='name'>Product Name</TableHeaderColumn>
      <TableHeaderColumn dataField='quality' dataFormat={ enumFormatter } formatExtraData={ qualityType }>Product Quality</TableHeaderColumn>
      <TableHeaderColumn dataField='inStock' dataFormat={ enumFormatter } formatExtraData={ inStockStatus }>Product Stock Status</TableHeaderColumn>

tdAttr : Object

Allow you to add your custom attributes on TD element.

<BootstrapTable data={ products } search>
  <TableHeaderColumn dataField='id' isKey>Product ID</TableHeaderColumn>
  <TableHeaderColumn dataField='name' tdAttr={ { 'data-attr': 'test' } }>Product Name</TableHeaderColumn>
  <TableHeaderColumn dataField='price'>Product Price</TableHeaderColumn>

tdStyle : Object

Allow you to add your custom style object on TD element.

<BootstrapTable data={ products } search>
  <TableHeaderColumn dataField='id' isKey>Product ID</TableHeaderColumn>
  <TableHeaderColumn dataField='name' tdStyle={ { whiteSpace: 'normal' } }>Product Name</TableHeaderColumn>
  <TableHeaderColumn dataField='price'>Product Price</TableHeaderColumn>

thStyle : Object

Allow you to add your custom style object on TH element.

<BootstrapTable data={ products } search>
  <TableHeaderColumn dataField='id' isKey>Product ID</TableHeaderColumn>
  <TableHeaderColumn dataField='name' thStyle={ { 'fontWeight': 'lighter' } }>Product Name</TableHeaderColumn>
  <TableHeaderColumn dataField='price'>Product Price</TableHeaderColumn>

filterFormatted : Bool

When true, the column will filter using the value returned by the column's formatter.
When false (default), the column will filter using the pre-formatted value.

<BootstrapTable data={ products } search>
  <TableHeaderColumn dataField='id' isKey>Product ID</TableHeaderColumn>
  <TableHeaderColumn dataField='name' filterFormatted>Product Name</TableHeaderColumn>
  <TableHeaderColumn dataField='price' filter={ { type: 'TextFilter' } }>Product Price</TableHeaderColumn>

filterValue : Function

Return the value you want to be filtered on that column. It's useful if your column data is an object. You can also check this example

csvFormat : Function

A chance to customize the header column when export to csv file. This function taking two argument:
  • cell
  • row
In csvFormat, you should return a string.

csvFormatter(cell, row) {
  return `${row.id}: ${cell} USD`;

render() {
  return (
    <BootstrapTable data={ products } exportCSV>
      <TableHeaderColumn dataField='id' isKey={ true }>Product ID</TableHeaderColumn>
      <TableHeaderColumn dataField='name'>Product Name</TableHeaderColumn>
      <TableHeaderColumn dataField='price' csvFormat={ this.csvFormatter }>Product Price</TableHeaderColumn>

csvHeader : String

To custom the text of header in csv file.

<BootstrapTable data={ products } exportCSV>
  <TableHeaderColumn dataField='id' isKey={ true }>Product ID</TableHeaderColumn>
  <TableHeaderColumn dataField='name' csvHeader='product-name'>Product Name</TableHeaderColumn>
  <TableHeaderColumn dataField='price'>Product Price</TableHeaderColumn>

csvFormatExtraData : Any

it's ueuallu used with csvFormat, and it's same with formatExtraData you can give any data you want to be passed to the csvFormat function.

csvPriceFormatter(cell, row) {    
   return `${row.id}: ${cell} USD`;

csvQualityFormatter(cell, row, extra) {
  return extra[cell];
<BootstrapTable data={ products } exportCSV>
  <TableHeaderColumn dataField='id' isKey={ true }>Product ID</TableHeaderColumn>
  <TableHeaderColumn dataField='name' csvHeader='product-name'>Product Name</TableHeaderColumn>
  <TableHeaderColumn dataField='price'>Product Price</TableHeaderColumn>
  <TableHeaderColumn dataField='quality' csvFormat={ this.csvQualityFormatter } csvFormatExtraData={ qualityType }>Product Quality</TableHeaderColumn>

hidden : Bool

True to hide column.

<BootstrapTable data={ products }>
  <TableHeaderColumn dataField='id' isKey={ true }>Product ID</TableHeaderColumn>
  <TableHeaderColumn dataField='name' hidden>Product Name</TableHeaderColumn>
  <TableHeaderColumn dataField='price'>Product Price</TableHeaderColumn>

export : Bool

export={true} usually be used when you want to export a column which is hidden. Because hidden column can't be export to csv by default.
export={false} to tell the react-bootstrap-table do not export this column when exporting csv.

<BootstrapTable data={ products } exportCSV>
  <TableHeaderColumn dataField='id' isKey={ true }>Product ID</TableHeaderColumn>
  <TableHeaderColumn dataField='name' export hidden>Product Name</TableHeaderColumn>
  <TableHeaderColumn dataField='price'>Product Price</TableHeaderColumn>

expandable : Bool

Usually use with options.expandBy is column level.
. You can assign which columns are expandable or not by expandable.
For example, following we disable Product Name and Product Price as unexpandable, so use click on this both column will not trigger expanding row.

expandComponent(row) {
  return (
render() {
  const options = {
    expandBy: 'column'  // Currently, available value is row and column, default is row
  return (
      data={ products } 
      options= { options }
      expandableRow={ () => { return true; } }
      expandComponent={ this.expandComponent }>
      <TableHeaderColumn dataField='id' isKey>Product ID</TableHeaderColumn>
      <TableHeaderColumn dataField='name' expandable={ false }>Product Name</TableHeaderColumn>
      <TableHeaderColumn dataField='price' expandable={ false }>Product Price</TableHeaderColumn>

hiddenOnInsert : Bool

Enable hiddenOnInsert to hide the input field of htis column in insert modal. This prop almost configured with another prop: autoValue.
Because in the insert modal, the keyField almost cant be inputed by user, so you can enable hiddenOnInsert to hide the input field and use autoValue to generate an key value automatically.

<BootstrapTable data={ products } keyField='id' insertRow>
  <TableHeaderColumn dataField='id' hiddenOnInsert autoValue>Product ID</TableHeaderColumn>
  <TableHeaderColumn dataField='name'>Product Name</TableHeaderColumn>
  <TableHeaderColumn dataField='price'>Product Price</TableHeaderColumn>

autoValue : Bool | Function

It only work for enabling insertRow and be assign on rowKey column. If true, the value of rowkey will be generated automatically after a row insertion. If a function given, you can customize the value by yourself and remember to return the value in the function.

<BootstrapTable data={ products } keyField='id' insertRow>
  <TableHeaderColumn dataField='id' autoValue>Product ID</TableHeaderColumn>
  <TableHeaderColumn dataField='name'>Product Name</TableHeaderColumn>
  <TableHeaderColumn dataField='price'>Product Price</TableHeaderColumn>

searchable : Bool

False to disable search functionality on the column, default is true.

<BootstrapTable data={ products } search>
  <TableHeaderColumn dataField='id' isKey={ true }>Product ID</TableHeaderColumn>
  <TableHeaderColumn dataField='name' searchable={ false }>Product Name</TableHeaderColumn>
  <TableHeaderColumn dataField='price'>Product Price</TableHeaderColumn>

columnTitle : Bool

Show the title on each column, default is false.

<BootstrapTable data={ products }>
  <TableHeaderColumn dataField='id' isKey={ true }>Product ID</TableHeaderColumn>
  <TableHeaderColumn dataField='name' columnTitle>Product Name</TableHeaderColumn>
  <TableHeaderColumn dataField='price' columnTitle>Product Price</TableHeaderColumn>

headerTitle : Bool

Enable/Disable the title showing on the header column, default is true

<BootstrapTable data={ products }>
  <TableHeaderColumn dataField='id' isKey={ true }>Product ID</TableHeaderColumn>
  <TableHeaderColumn dataField='name' headerTitle={ false }>Product Name</TableHeaderColumn>
  <TableHeaderColumn dataField='price'>Product Price</TableHeaderColumn>

headerText : String

If the children of TableHeaderColumn is a JSX or Object, we prefer to add this prop to describe this column with a pure text(String).
It will be used on the placeholder or tips in the filter, search field or insert field etc.

<BootstrapTable data={ products }>
  <TableHeaderColumn dataField='id' isKey>Product ID</TableHeaderColumn>
  <TableHeaderColumn dataField='name' headerText='Product Name'>{ this.renderProductNameContent }</TableHeaderColumn>
  <TableHeaderColumn dataField='price'>Product Price</TableHeaderColumn>

sortFunc : Function

Give a custom callback function for perform your data sorting. This function taking five arguments:
  • a
  • b
  • order
  • sortField
  • extraData
The extraData is the data from the sortFuncExtraData.
Tips: This function should return a negative, zero, or positive value, depending on the arguments.

revertSortFunc(a, b, order) {   // order is desc or asc
  if (order === 'desc') {
    return a.price - b.price;
  } else {
    return b.price - a.price;

render() {
  return (
    <BootstrapTable data={ products }>
      <TableHeaderColumn dataField='id' isKey>Product ID</TableHeaderColumn>
      <TableHeaderColumn dataField='name'>Product Name</TableHeaderColumn>
      <TableHeaderColumn dataField='price' dataSort sortFunc={ this.revertSortFunc }>Product Price</TableHeaderColumn>

sortFuncExtraData : Any

It's a extra data for custom sort function, if defined, this data will be pass as fifth argument in sortFunc. You can follow this example to see how it work.

className : String | Function

Add custom css class on table header column, this prop only accept String or Function.
If a Function given, you should return a String which is the class name you want to add on.

customHeaderClass() {
  return 'custom-header-class';

render() {
  return (
    <BootstrapTable data={ products }>
      <TableHeaderColumn dataField='id' isKey={ true }>Product ID</TableHeaderColumn>
      <TableHeaderColumn dataField='name'>Product Name</TableHeaderColumn>
      <TableHeaderColumn dataField='price' className={ this.customHeaderClass }>Product Price</TableHeaderColumn>

columnClassName : String | Function

Add custom css class on table body column, this attribute only accept String or Function.
If Function, it taking four arguments:
  • cell
  • row
  • rowIndex
  • columnIndex
In addition, this function should return a String which is the class name you want to add on.

columnClassNameFormat(fieldValue, row, rowIdx, colIdx) {
  // fieldValue is column value
  // row is whole row object
  // rowIdx is index of row
  // colIdx is index of column
  return rowIdx % 2 === 0 ? 'td-column-function-even-example' : 'td-column-function-odd-example';

render() {
  return (
    <BootstrapTable data={ products }>
      <TableHeaderColumn dataField='id' isKey={ true }>Product ID</TableHeaderColumn>
      <TableHeaderColumn dataField='name'>Product Name</TableHeaderColumn>
      <TableHeaderColumn dataField='price' columnClassName={ this.columnClassNameFormat }>Product Price</TableHeaderColumn>

editColumnClassName : String | Fuction

Add custom css class on editing cell, if assign a callback function, you are supposed to return a String for class name
render() {
  const cellEditProps = {
    mode: 'click'
  return (
    <BootstrapTable data={ products }>
      <TableHeaderColumn dataField='id' isKey>Product ID</TableHeaderColumn>
      <TableHeaderColumn dataField='name'>Product Name</TableHeaderColumn>
      <TableHeaderColumn dataField='price' editColumnClassName='class-for-editing-cell'>Product Price</TableHeaderColumn>

invalidEditColumnClassName : String | Fuction

Add custom css class for invalid editing cell, if assign a callback function, you are supposed to return a String for class name
priceValidator = (value) => {
  const nan = isNaN(parseInt(value, 10));
  if (nan) {
    return 'Product price must be a integer!';
  return true;
invalidPrice = (cell, row) => {
  console.log(`${cell} at row id: ${row.id} fails on editing`);
  return 'invalid-price-class';
render() {
  const cellEditProps = {
    mode: 'click'
  return (
    <BootstrapTable data={ products }>
      <TableHeaderColumn dataField='id' isKey>Product ID</TableHeaderColumn>
      <TableHeaderColumn dataField='name'>Product Name</TableHeaderColumn>
      <TableHeaderColumn dataField='price' editable={ { validator: priceValidator } } invalidEditColumnClassName={ this.invalidPrice }>Product Price</TableHeaderColumn>

editable : Bool | Function | Object

True to set the column editable, false is non-editable, default is editable.

If Function given, you have ability to control the editable level on cell instead of column level. For this callback function, you are supposed to be return a bool value to decide this cell editable or not and this callback accept four argument, cell, row, rowIndex, columnIndex.

If Object, you can give more customization on editing cell. This object have following properties:
type: what edit type on editing cell, available values are textarea, select, checkbox, and datetime
readOnly: Default is false, true will make cell can't be edited but still can be insert.
validator: give a callback function for validation which takes "cellValue" and "row" as arguments. This function should return a boolean or object value.
options.values: options.values means the data in select or checkbox. If checkbox, use a ':' (colon) to separate the values, e.g. Y:N.

render() {
  const cellEdit = {
    mode: 'click',
    blurToSave: true
  return (
    <BootstrapTable data={ products } cellEdit={ cellEdit }>
      <TableHeaderColumn dataField='id' isKey={ true }>Product ID</TableHeaderColumn>
      <TableHeaderColumn dataField='name'>Product Name</TableHeaderColumn>
      <TableHeaderColumn dataField='price' editable={ false }>Product Price</TableHeaderColumn>

jobNameValidator(value, row) {
  // If this function return an object, you got some ability to customize your error message
  const response = { isValid: true, notification: { type: 'success', msg: '', title: '' } };
  if (!value) {
    response.isValid = false;
    response.notification.type = 'error';
    response.notification.msg = 'Value must be inserted';
    response.notification.title = 'Requested Value';
  } else if (value.length < 10) {
    response.isValid = false;
    response.notification.type = 'error';
    response.notification.msg = 'Value must have 10+ characters';
    response.notification.title = 'Invalid Value';
  return response;

jobStatusValidator(value, row) {
  const nan = isNaN(parseInt(value, 10));
  if (nan) {
    return 'Job Status must be a integer!';
  return true;

render() {
  const cellEdit = {
    mode: 'click',
    blurToSave: true
  return (
    <BootstrapTable data={ products } cellEdit={ cellEdit }>
      <TableHeaderColumn dataField='id' isKey={ true }>Job ID</TableHeaderColumn>
      <TableHeaderColumn dataField='status' editable={ { validator: jobStatusValidator } }>Job Status</TableHeaderColumn>
      <TableHeaderColumn dataField='name' editable={ { type: 'textarea', validator: jobNameValidator } }>Job Name</TableHeaderColumn>
      <TableHeaderColumn dataField='type' editable={ { type: 'select', options: { values: jobTypes } } }>Job Type</TableHeaderColumn>
      <TableHeaderColumn dataField='active' editable={ { type: 'checkbox', options: { values: 'Y:N' } } }>Active</TableHeaderColumn>

customEditor : Object

Give an Object like following to able to customize your own editing component. This Object should contain these two property:
getElement(REQUIRED): Accept a callback function and take two arguments: onUpdate and props.
customEditorParameters: Another extra data for custom cell edit component.
This is a good example for showing how to use custom cell editing.

row : String

This always use with rowspan and colSpan. Following is a simple example for group header.
render() {
  return (
    <BootstrapTable data={ products }>
      <TableHeaderColumn row='0' rowSpan='2' dataField='id' isKey>Product ID</TableHeaderColumn>
      <TableHeaderColumn row='0' colSpan='2'>Product</TableHeaderColumn>
      <TableHeaderColumn row='1' dataField='name'>Name</TableHeaderColumn>
      <TableHeaderColumn row='1' dataField='price'>Price</TableHeaderColumn>

filter : Object

To Enable a column filter within header column. This feature support a lots of filter type and condition. Please check example.
Following is the format for filter:
1. type: Available value is TextFilter, SelectFilter, NumberFilter, DateFilter, RegexFilter, YOUR_CUSTOM_FILTER(Custom Example)

2. defaultValue: Default value on filter.
    If type is NumberFilter, the default value will be like { number: xxx, comparator: '>' }
    If type is DateFilter, the default value will be like { date: xxx, comparator: '>' }

3. condition: Default is eq, you can change to like to search for a specified pattern. This only work for TextFilter, SelectFilter

4. delay: Assign a millisecond for delay when trigger filtering, default is 500.

5. placeholder: Assign the placeholder text on all the filter.

6. numberComparators: Only work on NumberFilter and DateFilter. Accept an array which conatin the filter condition, like: ['<','>','=']

7. options: Only work on SelectFilter or NumberFilter:
    SelectFilter: you can assign the selection options by an Object which presented as { 0: 'good', 1: 'bad' ... }
    NumberFilter: you can assign a number range by an array which presented as [1,2,3,4...]


Call this function to clear the filter.

cleanNameFilter = () => {
  this.refs.name.cleanFiltered();  // this.refs.name is the reference to name column

render() {
  return (
    <BootstrapTable data={ products }>
      <TableHeaderColumn dataField='id' isKey>Product ID</TableHeaderColumn>
      <TableHeaderColumn ref='name' dataField='name' filter={ { type: 'TextFilter', delay: 1000 } }>Product Name</TableHeaderColumn>
      <TableHeaderColumn dataField='price'>Product Price</TableHeaderColumn>